Normal Approximation to the Behrens-Fisher Problem Behrens-Fisher问题的正态逼近
Using the random weighting method, its approximating distribution which is more precise than normal approximation is obtained. 研究了一类有渐近展开分布的逼近问题,应用随机加权法给出了比正态逼近精度更高的模拟分布。
It is the only way to keep normal approximation to the binomial. 这是唯一一种保持对于该二项式的正态近似的方法。
On the normal approximation rate and the law of iterated logarithm for thd improved kernel regression function estimates 非参数回归函数改良核估计的正态逼近速度和重对数律
Based on the penetration properties within the range of initial penetration velocity, a rigid fluid impact model for calculating impact force and a normal expansion approximation for calculating target deformation are developed. 针对初始侵彻速度范围内的撞击特点,发展了计算撞击力的刚体&流体撞击模型和计算靶体变形的法向膨胀理论。
Multiresolution Normal Mesh Approximation of Implicit Surfaces 隐式曲面的多分辨率法向网格逼近
This paper presents the model parameter estimation basing on the storage test data, and lower reliability confidence limit by means of fiducial inference and second order normal approximation. Based on the above two method, we have done lots of simulation. 本文利用相应的贮存试验数据给出模型参数的估计,运用信仰推断方法(fiducial)和二阶正态逼近方法(WCF)给出可靠度置信下限,并对这两种方法进行了模拟比较。
This paper analyses the insurance claim by use of the probabilistic methods. On the basis of this, a computing method is offered to individual risk model for a short term by the application of the normal approximation. 本文运用概率论的方法对保险理赔进行了分析,并在此基础上利用正态近似给出了短期个体风险模型的解算方法。
An Analysis of the Normal Approximation of Bernoulli and Poisson Distribution 二项分布和泊松分布的正态近似条件分析
And in the each adaptive subdivision, we choose the normal angle of the adjacent faces as the control error to detect whether the approximation is sufficient. 在自适应细分过程中,用相邻面片的法向夹角作为控制误差来反映细分的逼近程度是否足够;
The rate of normal approximation for Studentized Kaplan-Meier estimator 学生化Kaplan-Meier估计的正态逼近速度
In this paper, it is the first to discuss the normal approximation rate of the error distribution of nearest neighbor-kernel estimator for the conditional density. Secondly, the random weighting statistics is introduced, and the random weighting approximation rate is obtaned under suitable conditions. 本文首先研究了条件密度函数近邻&核估计的误差分布的正态逼近精度,然后利用随机加权法构造了近邻-核估计的随机加权统计量,获得了随机加权逼近精度。
This paper introduces and discusses this problem by combining the three important distributions ( viz: hypergeometric probability distribution, binomial distribution and poisson distribution) with some practical examples. The Determination of Sample Size for Analysis of Poisson Data Using Normal Approximation 本文结合超几何概率分布,二项分布和poisson分布,应用实例进行了讨论和介绍。Poisson分布数据正态近似分析中的样本含量问题
Considering that plasma produced by linear polarized light in strong field has low temperature and high ionization degree, instead of normal equation of calculating inverse bremsstrahlung rate, zero temperature approximation is adopted. 考虑到强场线极化光产生的等离子体的高电离度和低电子温度的特点,采用了有别于通常计算逆轫致吸收的方法,用零温度近似计算逆轫致效应。
Weighted Algorithm Based on Surface Normal Approximation 基于表面法向差分近似的表面重建新算法
The pairwise u-tests are constructed on the natural logarithmic scale so as to improve the normal approximation. 为了改善正态近似性,用自然对数尺度来构造成对u检验统计量。
Non-uniform Bounds of Normal Approximation for Finite-population U-statistics(ⅱ) 有限总体U-统计量正态逼近的非一致性界限(Ⅱ)(英文)
An iteration method for the best quadratic curve normal approximation 二次曲线最佳法向逼近的插值点优化迭代法
In this paper some partial derivatives of a matrix function with respect to a vector variable are derived first. By using of these derivatives, the representation of the normal approximation for any distribution density function of a random vector is given. 本文首先推导了若干矩阵函数对向量变量的求导公式,并以此为基础对任意的随机向量,给出其分布密度函数的正态迫近表示。
Normal Approximation, Moment Formulas with Application to Nonlinear Filtering 正态迫近、若干矩公式及其在非线性系统状态估计中的应用
An Exchange Algorithm for the Best Chebyshev Normal Approximation by Quadratic Curves 二次曲线Chebyshev法向逼近的交换算法
By assuming normal distribution and identical variances, its convergence is discussed using stochastic approximation theory. 在正态分布、同一方差的假设下,借助随机逼近理论讨论了它的收敛性。
Approximate classical confidence bounds for environmental factor of binomial, negative binomial andbinomial/ negative binomial distribution are derived by using Poisson approximation and normal approximation. 利用Poisson近似和正态近似,本文导出了二项分布,负二项分布以及二项~负二项分布环境因子的经典近似限。
Arc-normal vector approximation of offset curves of plane NURBS curves 平面NURBS曲线的等距线算法&圆弧法矢近似法
The Determination of Sample Size for Analysis of Poisson Data Using Normal Approximation Poisson分布数据正态近似分析中的样本含量问题
The majority of the parametric methods of VaR approach use a normal distribution approximation. 传统参数VaR计算方法大多使用正态分布作为分布假设。
In the first example, we consider the CpG enriched region of C.elegans, D.melanogaster and E.coli, and we give an relation figure between the power of number of occurrence of CpG under normal approximation and the sequence length. 在第一个例子中,我们通过考虑线虫,果蝇和大肠杆菌三种生物中CpG的富集情况,给出了正态分布下CpG岛发生次数的功效和序列长度的关系图。
It presented maximum-likelihood method, normal number and B splines approximation and also made a comparison of the characteristics and conditions used. 给出了极大似然估计法、范数理论的数据拟合及三次B样条拟合方法,并对三种方法的特点和适用条件进行比较。
The uniform normal neighborhoods of a compact Riemannian manifold play a central role in deriving the approximation order. 其中,紧黎曼流形中的一致凸邻域在得到相应逼近阶过程中起着十分关键的作用。